
Anti Nowhere League formed in 1979 in
Tunbridge Wells, England, and courted controversy from the start. These
Biker Punk loonies are responsible for offending everyone from the
loudmouth in the local pub (SO WHAT), the Enid Blyton foundation
(NODDY), and for sensitive odes to relationships like WOMAN, and WRECK
Now back with their latest studio album, "ROAD TO RAMPTON" -- a fine
album, harking back to the days of Eighties hardcore -- and a healthy
touring schedule, vocalist Animal kindly took time out to answer a few
questions........cheers Animal.

Globe: How did the
Anti Nowhere League actually start and why?
Animal: I was living
in Canada in 1979...I
was there for nine months or so... bummin' about ...I sort of ran from
England, things had got to hot for me...the law, bike gangs and
drugs...I just needed to get away from everything so I got myself a 6.6
ltr car and spent a lot of time in the Rockies....I needed to
think....to find out what I was going to do with my life ....when I did
finally get back to the UK, I got together with Magoo, a long time
and we came up with the Anti Nowhere League ....a name that was -- at
time -- a piss take of the changing world we
lived in...everyone was anti-something we were just anti-them!!! ..do
gooding parasites who we are
meant to look up to...the righteous hoards of nobodies...the ones that
always let us down....I was born again......WE ARE....the LEAGUE
Punk Globe: The
first ANWL album, "WE ARE ......THE LEAGUE" and the "STREETS OF LONDON"
single were seized by the obscene publication squad in the UK upon
release, how did you feel on that?
Animal: We set out to
upset everyone so I
was not surprised that they came down on us....you cant run around
shouting 'I hate people' and 'so fuckin what' and expect
......love!!.....this was war....the gloves were on!
Punk Globe: There's
a rumor that Guns 'n' Roses covered "I HATE PEOPLE" for their
Incident" album. Did this happen and did you hear the track? Your
thoughts on it?
Animal: They probably
thought with the
track record of the ANWL that it was best to leave well alone....don't
need law hassles when you are that big, do you?....Metallica knew how
dangerous 'So what' was at the time....but times change and things
don't shock anymore.
Punk Globe: What was it like performing at Wembley with
Metallica on "SO WHAT?"
Well, as most people know now, I
didn't really know the band...we were punks and early metal bands
didn't cut the mustard for us...the ANWL had quit touring for a few
years but obviously standing on stage with them was a buzz...great guys
as well...it was them that persuaded me to get the band back on the
road...thanks boys!.

Globe: Why did you
reform the band, and what were you doing in the time spent away?
Animal: As I said
Metallica was the main
reason, but I always wanted to get back writing and playing...it's just
in the late Eighties and early Nineties the whole music scene -- mainly
punk --was pretty shitty....the whole world was to busy trying to come
to terms with its sexuality....boring.... so I just did other things,
built bikes, got involved with a few illegal knuckle fights .....got a
job as nightclub bouncer.. but getting stabbed and beaten is no way to
earn a living, children!....so the Metallica's calling was just what I
Punk Globe: The
latest album, "ROAD TO RAMPTON" is a fine slice of biker punk, was it
easy to get back into this style after the diversity of albums like
"The Perfect
Crime" was drugs ("Out on the Wasteland" was a single)...the "Road to
Rampton" is real, yes it tells a story of a life....my story...from the
early days at school to the final brutal existence of this world....my
run-ins with the law...my struggles with my sanity, and the final
sentence.....which I haven't seen yet although the courtroom scene in
"At the end of the Day" is real fact along with all that leads up to
it......the judge did say to me that he had never heard anything like
it...that I was obviously mad...and the gallery was shouting!!..fun
days ...."Rampton by the way is a violent mental institution in the
UK....when I first did "her majesty's service" the screws
told me it is
where I will definitely end up....oh wise words indeed.
Punk Globe: Tell me about the problems you faced with
the "SCUM" album, as I thought stuff like "LONG LIVE PUNK" was awesome.
"Scum" was great...me and Magoo
writing together again after a few years break.....when we were putting
it together our formula was....if Magoo was giggling and my foot was
tapping we were on the right track!....that's how punk should
be...simple easy rock music to throw up to!!

Punk Globe: What's next for The League?
We seem to be touring more now
than we ever did...that must say something I suppose..there's obviously
people out there wanting to see us.......I think because we are still
'real' and not turned into borin' old fucks....Punk is fun again.
Punk Globe: Any message for the fans?
Animal: It's better
to die chasing a dream than live without one!........
Punk Globe: How can new fans find out more about The
People who are interested in the band...and its antics can catch us
or... www.antinowhereleague.com
........have a good life.....ANIMAL
Thanks Animal, you're a true
By Giovanni at Stolen Talent
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