There have been few punk albums as widely
anticipated as Against Me!'s fourth LP, New Wave. The
Floridian quartet have received ongoing criticism from
their fan base since December 2005 when they signed with
major label Sire, previously home to the Ramones
and the Replacements.
Searching For A Former Clarity (Fat Wreck Chords,
2005) was a departure in itself from the quicker, less
produced material on Reinventing Axl Rose (No Idea,
2002) and As The Eternal Cowboy (Fat Wreck Chords,
2003), and although New Wave is often similar to
its predecessor, fans of the band's earlier material will
need to approach this release with an open mind to avoid
being disappointed.
Having said
that, New Wave is the most consistent album the
band has released. Vocalist Tom Gabel has commented in
recent interviews that one of the attractions of Sire was
the prospect of an extended stay in the studio. Sire
didn't let them down. Whereas Reinventing Axl Rose
was recorded in one day, and As the Eternal Cowboy
in one week, New Wave was recorded over a six month
period with none other than Butch Vig (Nirvana,
Smashing Pumpkins , Sonic Youth) at the
helm. Bearing this in mind, even the most ardent
Against Me! fan would admit that Vig has produced the
poppiest and slickest record the band has ever
released. But this is not necessarily a bad thing.
Part of
Against Me's appeal was always their ability to resist
strict genre classification, and it is understandable that
Gabel, Bowman, Oakes and Seward want to create something
fresh on each album. The common denominator that links
New Wave with Against Me!'s back catalogue is
the insight and incisiveness of Gabel's lyrics, along with
the band's passionate - almost rabid - delivery, and it is
these attributes that ensure New Wave rises above
the average rock record.
Opening track
'New Wave' - although not the strongest offering here -
sets the scene for much of the album's lyrical content as
Gabel sings "C'mon and wash these shores away…I'm looking
for the crest of a new wave." 'Up The Cuts', with a
typically anthemic chorus, criticises the homogenised and
predictable nature of the music industry with a chorus
that laments "Is there anybody thinking what I am? Are you
restless like me?" Second single 'Thrash Unreal' is bound
to attract criticism from some long term fans for its
poppy chorus, but the irony of Bowman's bright backing
vocals set against Gabel's melancholy story of a life-long
junkie is a highlight of the album, and with the support
of a major label it is hard to imagine this song not
becoming a hit.
The first
single from the album - 'White People For Peace' - has
polarized opinion thus far. At first glance it is another
anti-war song; at second glance an anti anti-war song. The
truth is that whilst WPFP takes a shot at the countless
token anti-war songs written in the wake of the US
invasion of Iraq, it also acknowledges the need for these
songs and bemoans their futility: "protest songs in
response to military aggression, protest songs can't stop
the soldiers' guns, the battle raged on." A "Butch Vig
Remix" of this track is available for streaming on the
band's website.
Fifth track
'Stop' is where Gabel & Co. really change things up. Far
and away the danciest number Against Me! has
released, Bowman's guitar has a distinct 'Edge' to it and
Gabel tones down the growl long enough for us to hear him
rail against the excesses of the music industry, urging
young bands to "stop and take some time to think" and
"figure out what's important to you." Wise words to be
sure for any aspiring punk band, but perhaps a little
difficult for some fans to swallow given the recent
defection to Sire.
"Borne on the
FM Waves" sees Tegan Quinn of Tegan & Sara share
vocal duties with Gabel in a tender but intensifying song
that honestly documents the paranoia and fragile emotions
laid bare in a failing relationship. 'Piss and Vinegar' is
another stand out track and has some of Gabel's best
lyrics as he demands frankness from his peers and an end
to the kind of sycophancy that makes him "feel like a
politician." 'Americans Abroad' was first released as a
live track on 'Americans Abroad!!! Against Me!!! Live In
London!!!' and has been a live staple ever since. 'Animal'
is a little slower and dirtier than its predecessors and
recalls the heavier material on Searching For A Former
Clarity, such as 'Violence' and 'Holy Shit'. In some
respects it is the antithesis of the broken romance
painted in 'Borne on the FM Waves', with Gabel singing
about unbridled animal instinct and betrayal.
'Ocean', the
album closer, is a more melodic number that falls down
lyrically. It sounds like Gabel's pre-pubescent attempt at
creative writing and sags at the seams with clichés
despite its contemplative nautical aesthetic. With only
ten tracks on the album and a relatively weaker closing
track in 'Ocean', it is difficult to understand why great
new tracks like the thumping 'Full Sesh' - already
released as a B-Side to 'White People For Peace' - could
not have been included on New Wave as well.
With 4 LPs, 4
EPs, a live compilation and a DVD ('We're Never Going
Home') released since 2000, it is clear that
Against Me! are both prolific and innovative musicians
unafraid to break new ground and reinvent themselves on an
album-by-album basis. New Wave will confirm for
many old fans what they have righteously predicted since
the move from No Idea to Fat Wreck Chords in 2003. For
those previously unacquainted with Against Me! - or
current fans unperturbed by the prospect of change -
New Wave may be as good as it gets in 2007.
The real debate
that will follow the release of this album is whether it
represents a deviation from the band's anarchic beliefs
and a rejection of their DIY punk ethos. This debate will
be fought passionately on forums and bulletin boards
across the internet for months to come with no hope of
consensus being reached. If the history of punk music has
taught us anything, it is that you can't make all of the
punks happy all of the time and that, for many, it's more
enjoyable to be 'anti' everything than 'pro'
anything. There will be far less debate about the quality
of the album though. If the choice was between New Wave
or treading water, true fans will embrace this album for
what it is, not what it isn't.