October 2017


Cris Delafe's
Spotlight On Latin Bands....
This Month Acidez

PUNK GLOBE: Thanks for doing this interview .. Give us a description Acidez?

TUPA: We are a 100% Mexican band that has been making noise for about 15 years from Guadalajara Mexico to the world, we are 100% antifascistas we reject all authority or religion, we are for free expression and absolute freedom and we want a world totally free without wars or injustices.

PUNK GLOBE: Tell us who is in the band?

TUPA: Tupa - voice
Rodo - Guitar
Soti - Bass
Naüj - Battery

PUNK GLOBE: Tell us how you came up with the name of the band?

TUPA: It occurred to Juan (Naüj) only as an analogy of what the acid can if it is not kept isolated can corrode or damage whatever it makes contact, ie if the punks if left loose can do what which acid to matter.

PUNK GLOBE: Where in Mexico is the band from and in what year did you form?

TUPA: We are from Guadalajara Jalisco, the band was formed in 2003

PUNK GLOBE: How many albums do you have and in which years did they come out?

TUPA: 4 studio albums
No hay Futuro - 2008
Don’t ask for permission - 2012
Beer Drinkers Survivors - 2014
Welcome to the 3D Era - 2016

PUNK GLOBE: Tell us about your last Cd. What inspired you?

TUPA: Music by Soti and Rodo and the lyrics by Tupa with the help of Naüj. What they are about is simply what we are living today in Mexico and the world, disinformation in the media, conflict between nations, alienation of networks social, technologies that instead of being created for good have been created for evil and to keep in control the masses, even in the song of "Technology for Destruction" that has been our last video released we mentioned about the cellular that explode in the pockets of people long before that was a reality, so the name of the disc seems to be that fiction has come true.

PUNK GLOBE: How did do you come up with the graphic designs of the Cd's?

TUPA: Everything happened when I joined the band's rehearsal saying that I had dreamed that he would enter a record store and find the new Acidez album, hence the name of the album and the back cover, then we decided that our band mascot (the skull with mohican and jacket of estoperols) would appear on the cover full of weapons and "gadgets" that are usually used in movies.

PUNK GLOBE: Some of your musical influences?

TUPA: From Rock and Roll like Motorhead, 80's thrash metal and hardcore like Megadeth, Destruction, Suicidal Tendencies, Exploited 82's punk, Discharge and GBH to the most contemporary bands like Toxic Holocaust, The Casualties, Municipal Waste, Malignant Tumor and the new wave of Black metal with touches of punk and Metal Punk by Inepsy and GATES

PUNK GLOBE: How is the music scene in Mexico?

TUPA: The larger cities of Mexico are very extensive filled with bands of all genres that almost every weekend you can find some show or music festival, in the rest of the cities the scene is a bit scarce but there is always a punk band in growth

PUNK GLOBE: Are there a lot of places to play in Mexico

TUPA: Of the 32 states in Mexico there are about 10 states in which there will surely be people on the show, in cities like ours punk rock or metal bars have almost ceased to exist, but we are still resisting and doing shows in places where space is provided.

PUNK GLOBE: Some favorite place or cities to play shows at?

TUPA: Ecatepec in the state of Mexico and Toluca are our favorite places.

PUNK GLOBE: Is the band signed with a record label or are you independent?

TUPA: We have 3 labels we work with

Bambam records from Mexico, Voltage records from Cheka Republic and Unrest Records from Canada but our music is distributed throughout Europe and we are also independent projects.

PUNK GLOBE: Do you remember your first concert? Tell the readers about it?

TUPA: Well for my part I remember I had the feeling of wanting more and never wanting to stop but more than anything I remember that it was my 3rd show with Acidity it was a very small place and late at night, the police arrived and asked us nicely to stop playing because we were exceeding the sound and the hours that the bar had to do shows, but once the police left the bar our drummer Naüj took the microphone and insulted the police and saying that the party still continues, 2 minutes later the police came back and very aggressively asked who had insulted the authorities but no one said anything so they took us all to jail on charges of "insulting authority" There were about 50 people including women and one foreigner who did not speak any Spanish who was just walking out of the bar and had gotten to listen, but we were released after 8 hours having paid 80 pesos fine for p equivalent to approximately US $ 4.5.

PUNK GLOBE: Have you performed national tours in (Mexico) and internationally?

TUPA: We have had the opportunity to do national and international tours to Europe, the United States, Central America and soon to South America since we will be touring in Brazil in November of this year.

PUNK GLOBE: Which bands would you like to share stage with?

TUPA: There are some of our favorite bands with which we have already shared stage but we we still have not played with Suicidal Tendencies, Toxic Holocaust, Havok and Municipal Waste ..

PUNK GLOBE: Tell us about your best show?

TUPA: One of the best shows was when we played at the Pod Parou Festival in Cheka Republic, the band had never witnessed a festival, that is, it was our first festival where we could stay with our friends from different countries in Europe, we got so drunk that even Rodo the guitarist lost one of his tennis shoes in the mud of the festival and the next day we woke up full of mud.

PUNK GLOBE: And the worst?

TUPA: It was one that we did not even touch, we only traveled about 8 hours from our city to one of the small suburb of Mexico City and when we arrived at the place there were no people, the organizer was a child around 15 or 16 years old, that did not have the experience of organizing a show and everything went wrong, but nevertheless we could stay with him and his family who were very good people, it seemed that he just wanted us to visit him.

PUNK GLOBE: Do you have day jobs

TUPA: Naüj does digital design, Soti and Tupa work together in a beer store and Rodo has no job at the moment.

PUNK GLOBE: Do you have any Internet addresses you would like to share with Punk Globe readers?


FACEBOOCK: acidezband

PUNK GLOBE: Some last words for Punk Globe readers?

TUPA: Thank you very much, thank you all for reading this article, for the people who have always been on the road with us helping us to share our ideas, we hope you have enjoyed this interview, we hope to visit you very soon and “stay punk stay free!!”

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