Punk Globe: Hi Steve thanks for chatting with us. Can you give us a little present and past history of Buzzcocks?
Steve: Brand new buzzcocks album Sonics In the Soul has just been released which has been receiving great reviews, which adds to the legendary buzzcocks back catalogue
Punk Globe: What are some noticeable differences you see in the music scene from to past to present?
Steve: Since we began the music business has been constantly changing, however the Buzzcocks music has constantly ridden the waves through all of the changes and still comes out on top.
Punk Globe: When and how did you start playing?
Steve: When I was 16 on an old Spanish acoustic guitar. I learnt how to play Beethoven 9th on one string and a bit on another one. That carried me on to develop the Buzzcocks sound.
Punk Globe: Can you tell us about a favourite on stage moment?
Steve: When I throw my guitar across the stage to my roadie, it seemed to develop wings and soared through the air like an Eagle.

Punk Globe: What's the hardest and easiest thing of bringing back a band?
Steve: Nothing difficult about it it's always been a constant, making music. Other bands have problems, I don't cos I've never stopped.
Punk Globe: What do you like doing in your spare time?
Steve: Walking all around London Centre fascinating!
Punk Globe: How has your practice change over time?
Steve: They say practice makes perfect , but I'm not perfect, so I better keep practising
Punk Globe: What's the weirdest thing a fan has ever done for you?
Steve: Brought a tortoise to be signed
Punk Globe: Describe a real-life situation that inspired you?
Steve: After playing a gig in Manchester, some kids standing outside waiting in the rain asked me to sign some albums outside the venue, they were telling me they were going to start a band, and it inspired me to write the song 'Manchester Rain'
Punk Globe: What are some of your tour/road trip foods?
Steve: Mexican and margaritas!
Punk Globe: What do you miss the most while on the road for tours?
Steve: My Local pub
Punk Globe: What's your biggest/weirdest fear?
Steve: The pub being closed…
Punk Globe: What would be a good theme song for your life?
Steve: A song I wrote called ‘ Harmony in my Head ‘
Punk Globe: What is your music making process?
Steve: I write the songs in my head , I can here and feel the song coming ,then I get my guitar or piano , it’s like magic
Punk Globe: Through the years how many album releases have you had?
Steve: including my solo albums about 27 album releases

Punk Globe: Who are some of your favorite bands/musicians to play shows with?
Steve: Mick Jones from The Clash
Punk Globe: Tell us your dream show.
Steve: Had a great show at Santa Monica civic Centre, twice ! That was like a dream
Punk Globe: What advice would you give a new musician starting out?
Steve: Every body should get some ‘ sonics in the soul ‘ the album I have just written and sounds like nothing else !
Punk Globe: Any shout-outs you would like to give?
Steve: Little Steven & Rodney Bingenheimer for playing the new single Manchester Rain
Punk Globe: Where can we find you and your music?
Steve - You can find my music in record stores and online.
- Merch - https://www.buzzcocks.com/merch
- Shows - https://www.buzzcocks.com/events
Punk Globe: Thanks for chatting with us and thanks to al the readers.