Enjoy this repeat of our interview with Scooter LaForge
I first became aware of the artistic genius of Scooter LaForge when I came across a t-shirt design he did for the most recent Blondie tour. Every fan of Blondie will be familiar with the vintage images of Debbie Harry in her Vultures t-shirt, I for one wanted one of my own.
Finding something that truly resonates for you within the limitless blackhole of the internet is not always easy. Anonymous, vast darkness aside, I was excited to stumble upon the work of Scooter LaForge. For one thing, he didn't seem like an unknown out of reach person. It only took browsing a few photos and a look at his art and I felt like I already knew the guy. You get the impression with Scooter that he's seen a lot and done a lot, but a sly twinkle in his eye tells you that he's only warming up. I was instantly taken with his playfully aggressive style and aesthetic. As I explored his work further, everything I saw kept falling directly in line with all that I thought was perfect and good in the world. Who is this guy I wondered? If I needed to know, the world needed to know. Ladies and Gentlemen, Scooter LaForge!

Sid T shirt
Punk Globe: How did you get to where you are now?
Scooter LaForge: I grew up in Las Cruces, New Mexico and I always painted and made things with my hands ever since I could remember. At the age of 6, I remember making a stage and painting the background for a performance with the neighborhood kids. All through elementary I was drawing and painting, especially fascinated with cartoons. In high school I was a complete mess. I got D's and F's on my report cards and nearly missed my graduation. College was another story, I majored in art and got all A's and was awarded scholarships. I was asked by the University of Arizona to paint a very large mural in the student union. I moved to San Francisco and devoted my life to art. After an eight stint in SF I packed up my bags and moved to NYC. My life began. I got accepted into a great fellowship at Cooper Union which changed my life. I connected with a great group of other artists. I collected all artist friends--painters, actors, singers, sculptors, photographers and performance artists. I am still socially awkward and sometimes feel very uncomfortable in my own skin, but one thing I know is that life is too short to not do what you love.

Scooter and Debbie
Punk Globe: Your punk aesthetic is clearly authentic. Did you go to many shows when you lived in San Francisco? If you did, I'm sure you rubbed shoulders with Ginger. Where did you hang out?
Scooter LaForge: My San Francisco years were some of the best years of my life! I lived there from 1993 to 2001. I had lots of art shows there. It really felt like I was living in Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City! I worked at this fabulous Russian Tea House called Mad Magdas. All the freaks and artists of San Francisco made this place their home. I also worked in clubs. I had a club in the Tenderloin district called "Gangbang" at a bar called the "Gangway". I also did coat check at a place called Trannyshack at the Stud Bar. I did rub shoulders with Ginger, but in LA. Ginger may not remember this but I went to her apartment in 1998 in Hollywood with a friend. I remember thinking that Ginger was a mad genius and she had tons of history and stories to tell. We spoke for hours. As far as my punk aesthetic, yes, I have always been a punk rocker. Love the attitude and everything that goes with it. I rebelled at an early age and never stopped.
Punk Globe: I really love your work, but it didn't occur to me that you should be interviewed for Punk Globe until I read something about your t-shirts showing up on a soap opera--and I know how much Ginger loves her stories. Can you tell us your soap story?
Scooter LaForge:Yes! The Soap Opera story is the best! I had been living in NYC for three years and found out that a childhood friend lived here at well. We made plans to see each other after 20+ years. It turned out that he did the wardrobe for "The Guiding Light". I told him I was doing tee shirts and he asked me to make a bunch for a character called "Daisy". I outfitted her for like a year! So exciting and surreal. Who ever knew? I think it is pretty damn cool and very punk rock!

Joy Division T shirt
Punk Globe: Your work has an incredible psychedelic feel to it...like taking acid at Disneyland then having that experience translate to a canvas or onto a t-shirt. It's like embracing the wonderfully, filthy side of something. Can you talk about this sensibility?
Scooter LaForge: I think sex should be fun. I love cartoons and sex, why not put them together. I love the idea of masks and sexy cartoon characters having sex. A lot of the men and women from the Superfriends and He-Man were really sexy! This is where it started. I can remember watching cartoons as a kid and getting turned on.

Punk Globe: Some iconic images and familiar branding shows up in your work. What is it about certain products or people that compels you to want to reinterpret what's familiar to us?
Scooter LaForge: I am obsessed with fashion and pop art. I LOVE logos. I love figuring out clever ways to incorporate them into my paintings and tee shirts. The Chanel Logo is my all time favorite, and has been used by punk rockers since the 80's. Chanel has sent me cease and desist letters and they have also blatantly ripped some of my designs off! This last collection from Chanel has some backpacks that are identical to ones that I made. I love it--they are a knockoff of a knockoff. It is confusing.

Self Suck
Punk Globe: Excess seems to be a theme in your work. Piggish sex, big cocks, the ravages of drugs...there's almost a feeling that some of the characters in your work are cannibalizing themselves and disappearing into their own landscape of excess. Can you elaborate on that idea?
Scooter LaForge: Most of my paintings are autobiographies. They are like confessionals. I have consumed tons of drugs and have had lots of sex. I have lived a very excessive life. I say what is the point of living if you are not going to live! My San Francisco years were filled with drugs, sex and rock and roll. That is the essence of life in San Francisco.

Darby Crash
Punk Globe: We've both lived and made art in San Francisco and New York. How has that worked for you? Have you found you're more productive in one city over the other?
Scooter LaForge: Don't ask me why, but as far as my art work is concerned, New Yorkers embraced me hardcore. San Francisco was lukewarm about my works. I was meant to be a New Yorker. San Francisco was a launching pad for me. I knew I found my home when I landed here. I keep it real and honest, and I think New Yorkers appreciate that. It takes a very specific personality type to live here. There is no slacking off here. New York is work work work and then play play play and then sleep. Every second counts here.
Punk Globe: Your wearable art is sold at Patricia Field. Has taking steps into the fashion world changed the way you work? And when can we see a collaboration with Calvin Klein--every man should own a pair of your art underwear!
Scooter LaForge: Patricia Field has changed my life! Pat has included me in some amazing projects and I love working directly with her. Talk about being a true punk rocker. Patricia Field is the essence of punk rock, I could tell you some stories about her that would make Sid Vicious look like Mary Poppins. Pat embraces artists and has since the 70's. Keith Haring and Jean Michel Basquiat both had their work in her boutique. Pat is a machine that does not stop. Pat is 72 going on 24. She has more energy than anyone I know. As far as Calvin Klein� BRING IT ON!!!!!!

Punk Globe: I think Andy Warhol would have loved your work. What would be your ultimate tribute piece to him?
Scooter LaForge: I know Andy Warhol was a huge pervert and would have loved my work. I am sure he loved a big dick :) I think the best way to pay tribute to him would to do a portrait show of the top ten famous silkscreens portraits and redo them my way and show them at the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh. So if anyone is reading this interview from there, lets do it!
Punk Globe: In what other ways would you like to present your visual ideas if budget was not an option?
Scooter LaForge: I would love to have the entire Guggenheim for myself and create an army of my tee shirt monsters scattered throughout!

soo Cat woman
Punk Globe: What are you working on now and what's coming up?
Scooter LaForge: I am currently working on paintings for a solo show at Munch Gallery for spring 2015.
I also have a two-person show in London at the end of this year! And I'm working on a new collection of tee shirts for Patricia Field Boutique!
And everyone can keep up with my work art:
Punk Globe: Sounds like a lot to look forward to. Fingers crossed for a big monster underwear collaboration with Calvin Klein!
Punk Globe would like to thank Jim Lucio for the fablous interview with Scooter LaForge... We urge you all to check out his work.... NOW!