Missed the first couple of bands. I rode the subway to the gig and it had been so long since I’d been to the Grand Central Market area I got lost. But I finally found my way and The Mochines were just about to start. Featuring members of The Hellbenders, The Gears, The B-Movie Rats and The LaDonnas, the band combines the power of all those bands into their own unique Rock N’ Roll gig. Both guitarists take turns soloing but not in a dual fashion. Its either one or the other but both deliver tasty licks. Towards the end of the show there was a mini B-Movie Rats reunion as Rats singer Derek jumped onstage to sing with his former bandmate Curt on a vintage Rats tune. Next up came the always dependable Pat Todd & The Rank Outsiders. For years now Pat has rocked stages all over the world and always kept his own style of Rock N’ Roll swagger going without distractions. There is a certain sound he has perfected from his days with The Lazy Cowgirls and the Rank Outsiders are smart to what Pat likes. Together they always put on a great show and the crowd responded by dancing and having drinks and enjoying the fun.