November 2022


An interview with the Fabulous
Lisa Monday Gomez
Interview By: John Wisniewski

This interview is with radio station owner and punk journalist Lisa Monday Gomez. In this interview, Lisa talks about owning her radio station, and playing and supporting Punk rock.

Punk Globe: Lisa, you own a radio station. Could you tell us about "Whatever68"?

Lisa: Yes, I own and operate, and DJ on "Whatever68". I built WE68 in 2012 after working at and co-owning another radio station. I saw so many independent artists being rejected and I did not like this, as I'm all about independent music and supporting the DIY scene, so I said "Fuck It" , and built my own radio station to give all independent artists who want airplay. We are worldwide DIY radio. We have 15 DJ's total, myself-Punkr Princess Whatever Show, Nomad Punx (Blake Ruth), Anita Buzz-Coffee and Chronic Cash-The Sunday Matinee Show, DJ Silver-Chrome and Metal, Spike Polite-Punk Rock and Beyond, Robin Graves, DJ EMA-Angry Nation, Brandon Morningstar-The Breakfast Binge, Kaits Wild Ride, Gtors Apocalypse, Rich Embrys Power Hour, DJ REM and the Rock Doctor, all great shows. We are here to support independent local artists. Check out our shows and the DJ page at Whatever68. We also stream at most apps.

Punk Globe: any favorite artists?

Lisa: oh boy, yes, 100's lol Bad Religion, Distillers, Born to Destruct, Rodents of Unusual Size, Robot Uprising, Agnostic Front, Addicts, Descendants, Systematic Abuse, Revolt Chix, Deadly Dispute, Warfever, UK Subs, Gimp Fist, Rough Dose, The Dickies, Scammer, CPG, Bastard the Enemy, J. Andrew, Katie LaDubz, Miami Blush, Bloodstone, The Street Preacher, just to name a few.

Punk Globe: You are also a journalist. How did that come about?

Lisa: I started writing interviews in 2011 at Po Dunk Radio. After I left there and built Whatever68 in 2012 I interviewed Ginger Coyote live on air and asked her about contributing to Punk Globe. She told me everyone is welcome to submit. So I did and the rest is history. I have been lucky to know and interview so many amazing people in the entertainment industry. Check out my columns "Let's Talk Punk" right here at Punk Globe.

Punk Globe: any new punk bands out there, up and coming bands that you promote?

Lisa: There are always new bands. I play them Saturdays 10:30 AM PT on PunkrPrincess Show Whatever68.com and if you hear of a band or have a chance you never heard of Do It! Also I post band's shows and stuff Whatever68 Radio Facebook and on my Facebook group PunkrPrincess Whatever Show only on Whatever68.com


Punk Globe: Is Punk still a thriving force today? Do you see many thriving punk scenes across the USA?

Lisa: Tough one. I have mixed feelings on this one. I see it thriving but also see it falling. Nothing like back in the day when all the bands Would hang at shows, the whole show, how they just seem to play and leave, this does not help the scene, does not help the venues. Maybe bands could have at least 1 member stay each show and rotate it. Shout Out to the Bands who do stay:) I know punk bands all over the world and I can only really judge what I personally see, which is Los Angeles area and San Diego to be thriving pretty well we have our old school people who won't let it die. Like myself. Other than that I see a lot going on in New York. I have a couple of DJ's there. They bring great new local music. Also I would say UK, I have many friends and bands we play WE68 there so I get the scoop. I also work with a couple of labels and PR companies like Kick Down Doors PR, who send me amazing music and refer great artists/people for Let's Talk Punk interviews, right here at Punk Globe.

Punk Globe: any future plans and projects, Lisa?

Lisa: I do a yearly compilation Making a Scene, so I 'm always working on that. Right now I'm planning 2022 Halloween Bas by Whatever68, It's a private party at my house with some local live music from Cult Music artists, artists J. Andrew (Jason Nichols, Bastard the Enemy (Jeff Freedman), Hemo (Matt Bryant) and a Bleeding Sky from Long Beach CA waiting on another confirmation, should be a great time. Also have my Halloween Radio Show coming up where I rock ya some spooky independent Tunes on Whatever68.com

